Company Christmas Party Venue: Perfect Planning

Company Christmas Party Venue Texas

Whether you’re planning on keeping it at the office or taking it elsewhere, finding the perfect company Christmas party venue is only the first step. Here are the rest of the steps you’ll need to take if you want your party to rock.

Step 2: Pick a Company Christmas Party Venue Theme

Sure, you could go without a theme, or just use Christmas as a theme, but the more specific you get, the more it will inform the rest of your decisions. For instance, if you choose a retro theme like the 70’s, you’d want 70’s music, and themed food, like deviled eggs, ambrosia salad, and classic Chex mix. Or you could set the theme around an activity, like a murder mystery experience or wine tasting.

Step 3: Get Competitive

The best way to get people involved is to introduce a competition. This will likely be dictated by the theme, but competitions could range from gift wrapping races to something simple and classic like charades.

Step 4: Fork Out the Food

No party is complete without delicious food. You’ll want to take everyone into consideration, but think in terms of flavor groupings, like having both sweet and salty options, and providing fresh fruit and vegetables for those trying to watch their weight through the holiday season (and a chocolate fountain and ranch dip for those just pretending to be healthy).

Step 5: Take Their Seats

We all know that certain people just don’t get along. By arranging the seating, you can avoid conflicts ahead of time. It also gives you the opportunity to mix up teams and help create a more connected environment. Including ice breakers at each setting, such as jokes or questions, can help get the conversation flowing.

Step 6: Set the Company Christmas Party Venue Mood with Music

Music is one of the best ways to set the mood and atmosphere, but you don’t have to rely on a simple playlist. Ask around. You may have a closet DJ among your employees that you can utilize to keep the sounds flowing. Or if you have a more daring group (or plenty of alcohol), maybe setting up a karaoke station would be a fun way to keep everyone entertained.

Step 7:company Christmas party venue-succesful planning Document Everything

Having photo evidence of the festivities may make for great laughs (or blackmail) for the coming year (especially if there’s alcohol involved). But seriously, these pictures make great inserts for company newsletters, prints for company t-shirts, or Christmas cards for next year’s client list. Or you can take things a step further and have the event videoed and edited for highlights.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure it’s fun. Christmas parties are a great way to boost morale and camaraderie for a more productive new year.

Mill Creek Ranch Resort | Company Christmas Party Venue | 877-927-3439