Our Vacation Cabins in Texas: the Perfect Place to Take a Break from it All

If you have children at home, they probably can’t wait until school is out for the year. As summer vacation nears, they might even be able to tell you how many more days until the break! Have you reserved your Mill Creek Ranch Resort vacation cabin in Texas yet?
It’s a widely accepted truth that after a long school year, kids need a break from homework. But several studies show that grown-ups need vacations from work too — but we don’t always take them when we need them. That’s a shame, since according to CNN Money, Americans collectively leave 226 million vacation days unused, amounting to $34.3 billion of our vacation time wasted. Aside from the financial waste, consider the health benefits of taking time to recharge, reconnect with friends and family members, and enjoy life.

According to an article from CNN, taking just a few days of vacation every year results in better sleep quality, reduced job stress, and better reaction time. Women who take vacations regularly are three times less likely to be depressed and eight times less likely to develop heart disease. Men who regularly take vacations are 32 percent less likely to die of heart attacks, and 21 percent less likely to die early of any cause. Vacations reduce your body’s production of cortisol, a stress hormone that can age you prematurely.

Taking a vacation is good for our productivity, our blood pressure, and our relationships.
Getting away from it all can be as simple as loading the car with a few changes of clothes and our loved ones. Mill Creek Ranch Resort’s fully equipped vacation cabins in Texas are a great option for hassle-free, convenient getaways. There are activities and amenities for everybody, whether it’s playing a round of golf, riding bikes, paddleboats on Walden Pond, teaching the kids to fish in the stocked fishing ponds, or swimming, or relaxing in the hot tub without the kids. What could be better than just taking a nap in peace and quiet? Our vacation cabins in Texas are the perfect place for a vacation that’s as active or as restful as you want it to be.
Contact us today to make reservations for one of our beautiful vacation cabins in Texas at 877-927-3439 or book online!

vacation cabins in Texas
Mill Creek Ranch Resort
2102 N. Trade Days Blvd
Canton, Texas 75103
United States